My Angels

My Angels

Friday, December 9, 2011

My Little Fashion Diva

I am lovin dressing a little girl.. It is too much fun!!!

Life is just not complete at our house without some zebra print!!

and... a little Minnie attire!

and.. a little Frosty action!!

I know one thing we will be doing lots of over the Christmas break.. and that is .....

We take this game VERY SERIOUSLY!!!         

As Christmas approaches.. I look at all the suffering and pain that so many are going through.. I think about the pain and suffering that I have been through..and I realize that I am thankful for the little things in life.
Like the smile on my children's faces, the dinner on the stove, the hug from my husband, and the...


My heart is heavy this Christmas, I am so grateful for the blessing that God has given me...

I am thankful for my family and friends!

and the silliness!!

 Have a Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Getting ready for Turkey Time!!!

Getting Ready for Turkey Day!!
It all starts with some crafts!!

 We are serious when it comes to art time!!

 and HAPPY!! :)

Thanksgiving Program at Cedayne's preschool!!

The cutest Pilgrim EVER!! :)

I decided to decorate for Christmas early this year... not the usual thing that I do, but so glad I did..
So, I had to take pictures of the house, and Cedayne had to pose in all of them!

Also... time for some Christmas crafts...

Cedayne's cute little piggies!!

Turner's GIANT feet!!

The bottom two rows are Turner's hands and the top three rows are Cedayne's hands!

 I think we are one good looking family!!!


Cedayne is always in heaven when she is doing any art!!!

I want to wish everyone a HAPPY HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Leaving with a model shot, Cedayne was in LOVE with her new hat and her new red boots, so she had to get all dressed up and pose!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mom 2 Mom: WWF

Mom 2 Mom: WWF


I have totally given up!!
Trying to get my kids not to wrestle is like telling a cat not to meow..
It is pointless...
But... don't they look like they are having fun?

Of course they are!!.. There are times when my husband and I are annoyed with the loud booms of the hard wood floor and the fact that we can not hear our favorite shows... but would we change anything?

Heck NO!!!!

This is what family is all about... watching your kids bond with each other and think of silly games to play!!  Frank and I think how can this be fun?   Like, Turner throwing Cedayne into the couch.

and.. SHE LOVED IT!!  :)
They must have done this a hundred times!!  There were times that I thought OH boy, shes hurt and she would jump up and say AGAIN!! and here they go!!

SO, how can you get tired of all this...they are having fun, the house is full of laughs and entertainment.. life is good and God is so good!

I wonder what Frank and I will do when the house is empty and quiet?  I know one thing, I am not sure if I want to think about that..I'm enjoying the chaos!!

But, there are some quiet times...
But, trust me...

They don't last long!!

We are getting ready for Thanksgiving holidays and all the fun that brings.  I am sure there will be more WWF sessions..
but maybe the turkey will get Cedayne and Turner to calm

Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Eating with Turner at school!  We had too much fun and Cedayne loved seeing her big brother!!

They were so happy to see each other! :)      

Of Course, we had to eat Chickfila, I had firm instructions that we could not eat the cafeteria food, can't say that I blame him!  I was fine with that!

Don't forget the Chickfila sauce, mom!!

Turner got his way again, he asked if I could take him home!  Well.. his grades are good, so SURE!!

Now.. onto Veterans Day Program at the Colquitt County Square.  I felt so close to my dad there.  Turner's 5th grade chorus sang for the program.
I want to thank all the men and women that have served and continue to serve this great nation!!

Cedayne was proud of her American flag!

God Bless America!

Cedayne was so proud to see her Bubba singing!
Got to have a hug before we go!
Now.. onto Caramel Apple Time

Turner was in charge of the caramel and Cedayne was the Queen of sprinkles!!  It was like we were in a candy factory and let me tell you the end product was divine!!

Oh.. they were too good, my husband can't leave them alone!!

I take my sprinkle job very seriously!!

Got to have a taste test!!
Now.. I am onto decorating for Christmas, EARLY!! This is the earliest I have done it, but I will be glad that it is done!  Have a great weekend!!! :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mom 2 Mom: A Day Of Full Of Nature Right In My Backyard

Mom 2 Mom: A Day Of Full Of Nature Right In My Backyard: I normally don't get all into the nature thing; but I did today and I have to say it was nice! Fall is trying to so hard to show itsel...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Day Of Full Of Nature Right In My Backyard

I normally don't get all into the nature thing; but I did today and I have to say it was nice! 
Fall is trying to so hard to show itself!
 It was peaceful and I felt a different kind of happiness!  Maybe it was partly due to the fact that pip squeak was with me...

 Trust me, I am not a photographer, an artist or a writer, but today I felt like something important.  I was inspired by colors and I found plenty!

Does the colored toenail polish count?

I also felt the presence of God... I was really inspired by this picture I found just looking up through the tree.  It made me think of our hearts, how they may be tangled with branches, but God still pierces right through and reaches us!  How wonderful!

I loved finding a little piece of Fall!

I also love seeing these little treasures that the birds leave in the trees!

Today was very much about internal peace, I felt very close to God with my cheap camera.  I was on a mission, like I worked for a magazine and I had to get these awesome shots of nature. It was fun, then I stumbled on something so boring, yet so cool.

 Yep, an acorn.. then I noticed this...

So, I immediately thought, this looks like a little person that lost his hat... so I created little acorn people!

I introduce to you......




   Lady Gaga


some guy showing off his teeth!

 and lastly....  the head coach for the Florida Gators!!

With all this inspiration, it was a great day full of happiness and peace!  Have a great weekend!!!